If in fact your friend is in danger of having an unsafe Halloween, you are being a douchebag by pointing it out to her entire friends list. Plus, I doubt your status comment is going to pop into her mind in the middle of the party. If you really cared about your friend, maybe you should hang out with her and supervise her all night, you patronizing asshole.
Have a safe Halloween! Just make sure you don't run into me.
If in fact your friend is in danger of having an unsafe Halloween, you are being a douchebag by pointing it out to her entire friends list. Plus, I doubt your status comment is going to pop into her mind in the middle of the party. If you really cared about your friend, maybe you should hang out with her and supervise her all night, you patronizing asshole.
It's not called Pee On My Keyboard, moron
I have my own reading recommendation for you.
For example: "[Redacted] just finished a good read! For all you readers this is a must: Still Alice by Lisa Genova...but you must not mind stained pages from tear drops!!!" O RLY!?! Let's do a little textual analysis on this. First of all, what exactly do you mean by "all you readers"? Do you mean all people who are literate? If so, I find it rather presumptuous for you to assume that if people are literate, they will share the same literary tastes as a pregnant woman from the Central Valley. Secondly, I am pretty sure you are crying because you are pregnant and this is no indication whatsoever of the book's literary merit. Lastly, I propose a hypothetical: let's say a long lost Facebook friend in Canada takes you up on your implied offer to loan out your copy; are you really going to mail the book away? Hey, I have my own reading recommendation for you! It's this blog, and I hope it makes you cry, too.
The gchat "block" feature was designed with you in mind
Lunchtime Intolerables Hour
Thanks, D-bag, you just ruined my Lunchtime Consumables Hour. Someone please do something about my keyboard. And the broom closet. POMK.
Not subtle enough.
Behold! The other wrong kind of English major
Too bad you'll be turning OLD for the rest of your life.
I'm about to kick you off my friends list.
Furthermore, when I am moved to help this person by telling him about open positions at my company, and he proceeds to Facebook chat me assuming that, despite my not having talked to him for 3 years, I for some reason care about his paranoid delusions regarding how he was kicked out of art school. Things like that don't happen to normal people. Oh, and thanks for asking me how I'm doing, which you didn't. POMK.
I prefer "rasberry" pie, personally.
Indeed, you are worthy of a swift blow to the groin.
And you're just another r-----
I don't like being compared as these people.
A recent study names Fresno as the dumbest US city.
Oslo, I'd like my prize now please.
Btw, there is no support hotline for baby troubleshooting
There are worse things I can think of that also involve baseball bats.
When sports fanatics post Facebook statuses complaining about how "it's hard being married to a Yankee fan in October. Go RED SOX!" You and your spouse share a large home and beautiful children and all you have to do is bake all day and you are complaining that your marriage is HARD because you have to live with a rivaling sports fan? POMK.
Other synonyms: twit, tosser, douche nozzle
Submitted by Élise Dashiell.
Your self-esteem issues made me lose my lunch a bit.
People who need to constantly be reminded that models' photos are Photoshopped in order to be able to wake up in the morning and look in the mirror without crying their eyes out.
So, watching a video (seen here) that a teacher shared on Facebook—specifically for his high school students—of an average-looking girl who, after a great deal of makeup, styling, and then Photoshopping of the image, becomes billboard-model-worthy made your "self esteem grow a bit in the last minute"? First of all, how is it at all surprising to you that billboard images are Photoshopped? Second, why was your self esteem so low such that you needed a 1-minute video on YouTube geared towards teenage girls just to make yourself feel a bit better? You are an ADULT. What's worse, you are a MOTHER. Pull yourself together before your baby starts to develop self-esteem issues, too. Or if she does, let's hope she at least doesn't advertise them on Facebook. POMK.
He'll gladly photograph you sleeping at home, also.
Make sure you don't die on Superbowl Sunday
A football loss is on par with death, apparently. POMK.