If you're as mediocre of a musician as you are a person...

When a person you barely know and have not talked to in years uses Facebook to suggest you become a "fan" of her musician profile. Yes, remember that mediocre crooning she used to do? Apparently that was music! And now she's decided to become a musician. Awesome career move.

Now, you would think that if your music really isn't my thing, I could just politely ignore the request to become your "fan," right? Nope! Not when you're this full of yourself. Say hello to THREE more requests sent after each time I ignored the last request. Hey, I think I've discovered a better career for you than music! It's selling Viagra by email. POMK.


  1. I get this all this all the time from a "friend" who is an auto parts shop owner. Is that better or worse, I wonder?

  2. Wow, I was just about to write a post about people requesting me to become a fan of them, too! This means this is a chronic epidemic. The self-promoting fan request is douchey enough the first time around but the repeated persistence is just sickening.

    At least you guys don't get fan requests from "friends" who are now "actors" or "freelance editors". POMK.

  3. One asshole I used to work with (who anonymously left a HUGE door ding on my passenger door, btw, without ever 'fessing up) created a fan page just for himself as a human being, and requested that I become a fan. Eff you.

  4. @Élise: Okay, that one definitely equals large pools of my breakfast in liquid form spewing all over my desk. You win.
